The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 716: Morgan B

Oh, here you are! I'm been looking for you everywhere!

What do you want? I'm just about to start my training.

Perfect! I came to observe.

What a short memory you have. I already told you I don't want you watching me.

No, I remember! ...Although I'd be the last person to brag about their memory. But this time I'm not just here to watch. I came to assist you!

...Assist me?

Yup! I'll fetch your weapons and armor and bring you water when you're thirsty. I've even brought a stack of towels for when things get sweaty! This is gonna be fun!


If there's anything I'm leaving out, just let me know. I'm here for you!

Yes, but WHY are you here? Why do you care this much?

Er, because I want to watch a master at work, of course. Then I can incorporate what I learn here into my own training regimen. I realize now it was selfish to expect you to divulge your secrets for free. So I figure I can pay you back by being a training lackey! ...Or whatever you call it.

It's called a squire. ...And I will admit, you are persistent, at the very least.

I'm not too strong and I'm not too smart, but I'm as eager as they come!

All right. We can try it. Do not lag behind!

Yay! Thanks, Kjelle!


Ooh, do we have time for one quick question before we get started?

Ugh, what is it now?

You're super strong for such a pretty girl!

...That's not a question.

Yeah, I know. I'm getting to it. Anyway, are you just a mountain of muscle under that armor or what?

...... The first thing my squire must do is stop talking. ...Forever, if possible. If you do not, I will show you my muscles by snapping your arms like twigs.

Eep! I'll, uh... I'll just be quiet now. Eyes open, mouth closed! Won't hear another peep! No sir! Er, ma'am! Still as a church mouse, that's me!

Gods, I haven't even started and already I'm exhausted...